As long as we treat learning like its a counting noun, we're going to be subject to the same rules that govern money making entities. And, to be clear, I love vultures. They're an amazing animal that serve a super necessary role in the ecosystem (as far as I understand ecosystems, which isn't much). I don't blame companies for making money. I like money. But a monied industry has a very easy way of knowing when it was successful - they made money. They can easily count it (see: scrooge mcduck).

If companies can use the same rules for 'measuring learning' why wouldn't they? The responsibility lies with us to say that we care more about, say, kids loving math than kids answering math. Not that I don't WANT them to learn... but that I think lifelong math knowing is better served by developing a positive attitude towards the subject than being able to get one particular answer on one particular test. That... is hard to monetize, but because most people don't believe that we can measuring things like love. I mean... i hope they do.

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I agree 100%. I find it interesting when people get surprised that for-profit companies prioritize profit over a positive benefit for society- that's what they're supposed to do! If we truly believe that the positive development of our children is the main goal of education, not just memorizing discreet pieces of information, then we need to be clear about that and not leave it to the vultures to tell us what we should think and feel!

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You’ve offered an extremely insightful look at issues that are not only prevalent in US education but are also endemic across many countries globally. Your mention of the ‘learning loss fallacy’ was also poignant, and is a topic I have often thought about lately. These issues in education began way before Covid was even an imagining. It’s not to say it didn’t have an impact, but not necessarily in the way it is currently being suggested. I’m looking forward to reading part II.

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You are right on that this is true around the world- COVID has exacerbated some of these difficulties but has also shifted people's thinking to more humane possibilities. I am hopeful (and working toward) a future ahead where we call out these vultures and change our systems!

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