What does it mean to reimagine education given our current context of chaos and inequity?
This is what I discussed with my friend and colleague Wendy Fisher on the first episode of the Breaking the Paradigm podcast. We hear the phrase “reimagine education” everywhere in our public discourse. Yet, “reimagine” is often only a call to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic of traditional education. It is time for a new lens on the term.
Wendy argues that in order to reimagine education, we need to fundamentally reimagine the broader systems upon which our society is built. While education is a critical piece of social reform, education alone cannot transform society. When considering reimagining education, we must fundamentally reimagine the world we live in and our relationships with each other.
This episode was initially recorded in July 2023. I will be recording more podcast episodes and publishing them intermittently along with the regular blog posts. Enjoy!
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