What does it mean to be an education revolutionary?
It’s critical to define terms- so I’ll say what it means for me.
I believe that as an educational revolutionary, I have a moral responsibility to co-create learning environments which foster humanization, intrinsic motivation, and equity for all.
And when the learning environments where I operate don’t meet those needs, I have a responsibility to disrupt them.
I have honed this very personal definition throughout my career, but especially so after publishing articles and podcasts on Breaking the Paradigm over the last year.
You see, I had no idea that this Substack would take off the way it did, both in terms of the amount of subscribers and my own personal development.
I started writing in January with 10 subscribers, all of whom I knew personally. Fast forward to this fall, I got to meet many of you “on the road” at conferences across the east coast, and I could not imagine a more engaged audience!
But my writing and speaking on this platform has also transformed me as a practitioner and education disruptor.
It has helped me distill my own role in the education revolution.
It helped me realize that the ideas I’ve been thinking over the last few years resonate deeply with others and that we’re stronger when we dialogue together.
And for that, I want to personally THANK YOU!
Thank you for supporting my ideas, critiquing them when needed, sharing your own thoughts with me, and subscribing to the Substack.
Thank you for coming out in unbelievable numbers to the conference workshops I hosted this fall and engaging in deep, transformative professional development.
Thank you for being on this journey of education transformation and revolution alongside me.
But we can’t stop now.
This education revolution must continue into 2025.
How can we transform our learning environments to support more self-direction?
More intrinsic motivation?
More humanization- for children and adults?
More human flourishing for all?
I’m committed to being on this path with you and realizing this vision.
Here are some steps we can take together.
Get My New Guidebook, Every Student is a Wellspring
In this ebook, I distill the framework I’ve used across multiple age levels to promote self-directed learning and intrinsic motivation, freeing you up as the educator to observe and support learners on an individualized basis because your class will no longer depend on you in order to run smoothly.
I have gotten some great feedback on version 1 of the guidebook, and I am currently working on version 2, which will be jam-packed with resources and examples to actualize the frameworks I discuss.
Anyone who bought version 1 will get a copy of version 2 (and all future versions) emailed to them for free!
Join the Movement to Create a Syllabus for Humanity
One of the ways we can come together as a movement to support the education revolution is through a shared vision of the future which includes everyone. If you’re interested in co-constructing a Syllabus for Humanity, add your ideas to this Padlet below, and reply to this post if you want to be included in some Zoom calls in January!
Invest in Your Mindfulness and Resiliency
Each Monday, I send out a free mindful tip of the week as a part of my work with the Enlightened Educator Project! These emails advocate simple shifts that can bring you more mindfulness and resiliency as you work with young people.
Get 1:1 Coaching
The person who has made the biggest difference in my career as an educator is my mentor, Pat. When things looked grim, she was the one who helped me stay in the field of education and brings the best out of me as a practitioner. It is truly what has made a difference in my ability to create self-directed, autonomous learning environments.
I want to offer the same gift to you that I received from my mentor. I’ve helped aspiring practitioners with developing learning environments to foster student-autonomy, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment protocols, extra-and-co-curricular opportunities for students, and so much more. I’ve also helped school leaders with starting Montessori adolescent programs and communicating with key stakeholders about the value of a Montessori adolescent education.
Email me at andrew@firstintention.org if you are interested in getting 1:1 coaching around your personal and professional needs!
Check Out Our Work at Developing Education!
Our team at Developing Education is working hard to support the education revolution in any way we can, which includes this Substack. Check out our work below:
First Intention: Resources for Montessori adolescent practitioners, and all educators who want their learning environments to center positive human development and human flourishing.
The Enlightened Educator Project: Supporting educators across the age-span in developing mindfulness and resiliency in turbulent times.
As we ring out the year…
Wherever you find yourself in 2025, I hope that you continue to have the courage to disrupt the status quo and create educational environments that honor the natural development of your young people and that move us toward a better world. Thank you for being on this journey with me, I am forever grateful!
In gratitude,
Creating new autonomous learning spaces is the wave of the future of education! Super proud to also be an educational revolutionary and disruptive in this space!
Andrew, It is wonderful to learn about your work. I find your vision to be similar to mine: educational revolutionary! I would love to connect with you in 2025.